There are a number of resources to assist you with identifying and fulfilling compliance requirements and finding technical assistance that can help you manage your meet your environmental goals, including recycling, waste reduction and pollution prevention solutions.

IADG's extensive project work has enabled the staff to work closely with departments of state government that require permits for facility construction and new business operation. IADG staff will gladly assist your project with any permitting assistance you may require.

Sponsors & Partners

IADG's services are made possible through the generous support of Iowa's electric cooperative, municipal electric and telecommunication members.

Rural Electric Cooperatives

IADG is governed and guided by the generation and transmission power cooperatives that provide wholesale power to Iowa’s distribution cooperatives. If you are interested in specifics, check out the Iowa Utility Board electrical service area interactive maps.

IADG Member Systems in Iowa

Municipal Members

Most of our municipal utility members buy power directly from Iowa's Rural Electric Cooperatives or a power buying group. They are very involved in their communities and provide excellent support and assistance for business. Access an interactive Iowa Municipal Utilities map.

Independent Telecommunication Companies – Aureon

Ripple Effect, funded by Aureon and implemented by IADG, provides a portfolio of financial and technical assistance program options for business and community development through rural Independent Telecommunication Companies and their development partners.

Call on IADG for assistance