A skilled, productive, and available workforce is typically one of the most crucial factors for company success, and a top priority in Iowa’s effort to assist business growth. Iowa has all of the key elements to provide a smart productive workforce necessary to foster business growth. The combination of Midwest work ethic and a leading education system results in one of the most productive workforces anywhere.
Available Workforce
Statewide and county area Laborshed studies are available to illustrate the available workforce in any area of Iowa. A Laborshed is defined as the area or region from which an employment center draws its commuting workers. Laborshed studies show the distribution of the workers regardless of natural or political boundaries. Laborsheds also address underemployment, the availability and willingness of current and prospective employees to change employment within the workforce, current and desired occupations, wages, hours worked and distance willing to commute to work. Access Laborshed Reports.
Workforce Training
Iowa’s industry-driven workforce development programs and services support Iowa businesses by increasing the skills of an already productive Iowa workforce. Iowans, with their unmatched work ethic, are acquiring skills that will improve the competitiveness of Iowa businesses. By leveraging training resources through Iowa's Community Colleges, filling funding gaps in human resource development initiatives, and sponsoring business consortia that address common employment training needs, the skills of Iowa’s workers are enhanced, allowing its industries to grow. Learn more about Iowa’s workforce training programs.

The very foundation of Iowa's thriving economy is its top educational institutions. A dedicated commitment to education contributes to its high school graduation rate —Iowa's graduation rate is among the top with a 94.3% graduation rate. Iowa consistently earns high marks among education experts including a top ten ranking for best education climate by Business Facilities Magazine. Iowa is also one of the smartest states in the nation with its students consistently outperforming their counterparts on national standardized tests.
A nationally recognized education program, customized vocation and technical skill training programs available from an extensive community college network and world-class colleges and universities, provide a lifetime of learning opportunities necessary for a relevant workforce that delivers unsurpassed business productivity.
Besides traditional undergraduate and graduate programs, Iowa colleges and universities offer job training, continuing education programs, and senior auditing options. Iowa has a statewide system of 15 community colleges that offer comprehensive educational programs.
For more information on Iowa's Workforce, view these resources:
Iowa Economy - News and Trends
Iowa Workforce Development Laborshed